Homebirth is an opportunity to create an empowering birth and
bonding experience for you and your baby.
 Learn to eliminate anxiety and uncertainty as you prepare your
mind and body for a peaceful homebirth.

Are you ready to have a happy homebirth?

We all know that preparing for birth can be scary and overwhelming.
But what almost no one understands about deciding on homebirth is that a natural, peaceful labor is available to you, without the anxiety or uncertainty that can come during this transition.
Listen, it's not the birth pool or the candle lit setting that helps you have a happy birth experience, it's education and empowerment before your homebirth so you can feel connected, present, and in control. And that can happen even if you can't stop fueling the anxious nerves as you get ready for labor, as long as you're also learning how to mindfully prepare for your birth at home. Whether it seems like a distant, mystical event; or a fast-approaching occasion, there is one guarantee; Your baby will be born AND you will experience labor. Luckily for you, you can gain the skills and tools required to provide an empowering labor and postpartum experience for your homebirth, without the anxiety, uncertainty, or constant mid-night scrolls online. This means that even if you’re at the tail end of your pregnancy… even if you’re experiencing the twinges of Braxton Hicks contractions as you read these words, you are STILL able to choose to educate yourself effectively and efficiently for your peaceful homebirth.
If your heart is set on a peaceful homebirth that sets the tone for a beautiful bond with your baby, then you need to prepare your mind, body and spirit with an arsenal of tools to help you achieve your goal.
Introducing Happy Homebirth Academy
Happy Homebirth Academy is the only program of its kind that teaches you how to utilize mind, body, and gut instinct so you can have the empowered birth of your dreams!
Happy Homebirth Academy is PERFECT for you if...

You are a pregnant mother who is preparing for an empowered and educated homebirth. 

You are ready to eliminate all fear around labor, birthing, breastfeeding, and postpartum. 

 You have had a traumatic birth experience and are ready to reclaim your power with a healing birth at home.

 You are ready to experience the birth of your dreams, a Happy Homebirth which will leave you feeling relaxed, in control, and fulfilled.

Hi! I’m Katelyn, a homebirth Mama of 2 and the host of Happy Homebirth Podcast.
After attending countless births as a birth support professional and Midwifery student, I fell in love with the intimacy that natural, homebirths create for a Mother, baby, and the entire family. I found homebirth to be such a special engagement for a woman in transition that when I became pregnant myself, I knew that homebirth was the right choice for me. After my first homebirth, utilizing the knowledge I had as a student of Midwifery and now my own personal experience, I crafted laboring techniques that worked wonders during my second birth. So much so, that I was able to stay alert and connected to my oldest while birthing my second child in to water, speaking gently to my first child the entire time. I began to share my methods for a Happy Homebirth as I continued to support women through their labor and birth experience. Almost instantly I saw women who were once riddled with fear and pain during labor making subtle shifts to align their mind and body to bring their newest soul earthside, with ease, confidence, and in comfort.  Supporting women who feel homebirth is the right choice for them excites me!

 That’s why I created the Happy Homebirth Podcast, where I interview Mothers and birth professionals to provide community and confidence to birthing mothers around the world. My greatest loves in life are Jesus, my beautiful family, and the community of women that has grown through Happy Homebirth. My mission is to support and serve women entering motherhood by helping them to feel encouraged and in control during the homebirth of their dreams! I created this course because I believe that Mothers have the right to choose how to labor, how to birth, and how to make their own remarkable transition in to motherhood. I believe that all mothers deserve to birth with education, ease, and in the comfort of their own home.

Here's What Others Are Saying About HHA:

"I have had two previous homebirths and already know a lot of the lingo and information, so I wasn't sure how much I would gain, but I was blown away! I picked up so many gold nuggets and was left with a refreshed clear and concise vision for my birth. Katelyn approaches each topic as if she is explaining it to someone who has never before heard of such concepts. No one gets left behind, so if you're brand new to the idea. of homebirth and have hundreds of questions, you will be left with complete clarity. I cannot even think of one topic she did not cover relating to birth in general." "There is no amount of hodge-podged free information online that would be equal to purchasing this and getting all of the information you need to know in one place, accompanied with every resource you need. It's worth every penny!" (Image from @chewy_lowe)

Rose, @roseuncharted
Happy Homebirth Academy Graduate

"Happy Homebirth Academy was helpful in so many ways for preparing me for birth. It provoked questions and things I hadn’t thought about in choosing a provider, laid out the foundation of evidence based prenatal nutrition, explained the process of what happens throughout psychological birth, how to achieve a mindful birth, coping techniques, how to prepare for postpartum & so many things in between! I enjoyed having the videos to watch (& re-watch as many times as I wanted), modules to study and relaxation/affirmation tracks to listen to. Katelyn does a phenomenal job of providing the tools you need for a happy homebirth while also opening topics you may not have thought of that showed me I should dig deeper so I could make all my decisions with true informed consent.I never feared pain as I went into labor, and I was able to catch my own baby!"

Emily Hagen
Happy Homebirth Academy Graduate

"I'm so glad I took this course! As a first time mom it helped me so much. Katelyn is amazing and she covers everything you need to know for pregnancy, labor, and postpartum. She provides resources and worksheets to help you get into the right place physically and mentally to have the best homebirth possible. I highly recommend to anyone planning a homebirth!"

Amy Lutz
Happy Homebirth Academy Graduate

"Katelyn is a wealth of knowledge and really love that I have a place to refer to families specifically for home birth childbirth education. I spent so much time during prenatal visits talking about these things that I can now send them confidently to her online education course to take. Great resource for any home birth midwife!"

Leslie Cornwell
You and your baby are a wonderful team.
As you bring forth this precious new life, you will feel confident and relaxed with the process-- knowing that you are armed with an arsenal of connected techniques that are embedded in your brain to encourage your ability to release and relax. So, if you’re ready to finally have the empowered homebirth of your dreams while avoiding the anxiety and uncertainty that comes with labor, Happy Homebirth Academy is the course you’ve been waiting for!
  • Module 1: Homebirth Foundations
    > Discover how research is shedding the light on the safety of birthing at home
    > Learn to cultivate your relationship with your Midwife for a mother-centered birth > experience
    > Gain insight on the importance of your care provider
    > Receive tools to encourage your partner’s support (and personal comfort) in your decision to have a homebirth
  • Module 2: Prepare Your Mind
    > Learn about the progressive stages of labor so you can recognize the fluidity in your own transitions
    > Familiarize yourself with the uterus and how it changes throughout the laboring process, as well as your baby’s cozy little home and its composition during labor
    > Understand the hormonal interplay that occurs during your active labor and what you can do to encourage your body’s instinctual desires.
    > Become acquainted with the sensations of pushing, understand the Fetal Ejection Reflex, and appreciate the work of your perineum in the event of birth
    > Accustom yourself to the initial events that occur postpartum: from APGAR scores to the newborn exam to the importance of skin to skin contact
  • Module 3: Prepare Your Techniques
    > Learn how to shift your mindset so you can reconstruct the common idea that childbirth must be painful
    > Relax as you learn how to check your body for tension and release it at any moment.
    > Recognize the importance of steeping yourself in relaxation practices from now until the big day (and beyond--don’t we all need relaxation as mothers?!)
    Internalize the secrets of mindfulness and the joy of playing both the scientist and the subject-- and learn how easily this practice can influence your labor
    > Drive the needle in the direction of confidence so you can envision what you want your birth to look like and make it happen!
  • Module 4: Prepare Your Food
    > Learn the ancestral wisdom of pregnancy and postpartum nutrition for mothers
    > Find the true (and counterintuitive) superfoods of pregnancy and how to easily incorporate them into your daily life
    > Expose yourself to the fundamental flaws in the current prenatal guidelines and the societal approach to eating during pregnancy.
    > Access the specific breakdown of macronutrients for a healthy pregnant and postpartum Mother
  • Module 5: Prepare Your Body
    > Learn optimal birthing positions for the big day
    > Understand the importance of your pelvic floor and its vast responsibilities; in pregnancy, labor, and in the years after childbirth
    > Receive the Happy Homebirth Academy Labor Position Playbook, your fool-proof practice guide to nailing your peaceful and progressive homebirth
  • Module 6: Prepare Your Heart and Home
    > Understand the 3 most common emergencies related to birth and how these situations can be skillfully managed at home so you are ready for anything that happens during your labor
    > Outfit your birthing area with everything you need to have a warm, cozy physiological birth
    > Maintain control and power over your care, no matter what enfolds
    Craft your perfect birth vision/birth plan for your homebirth
  • Module 7: Prepare for Postpartum
    > Honor yourself and your body as you learn about ‘lying in’ after birth and how it influences your recovery
    > Learn how to nutritionally repair your body; both short-term and long-term with several specific postpartum nutrition considerations
    > Master a postpartum support plan so you can use this time to heal deeply and rebuild your physical foundation stronger than ever before
    > Learn how to respond to your baby’s cues and trust your body during breastfeeding (just like you did in labor!).
  • Module 8: Prepare Your Partner
    > Gain insight on how to bring up the idea of homebirth with your partner, if you haven't done so already.
    > Learn how to experience pregnancy together and prepare with one another for labor and postpartum
    > Gain insight on some of the best roles and jobs for partners during birth
    > Learn how your partner can function seamlessly with the rest of your birth team, even if this is your first birth!
  • Access the Homebirth Video Library
    A homebirth video library showing a vast variety of happy homebirths. You'll be able to prepare for your birth by watching other families give birth at home. From quiet and calm to loud and roaring, you'll experience it all. We even have an example of a gentle neonatal resuscitation, and a well-managed shoulder dystocia.
Plus... These Great Bonuses!
  • Nutritional Interviews with Holistic Hilda
    Nutritional interview series with Holistic Hilda of the Weston A. Price Foundation, and podcast host of Wise Traditions (valued at $257). Hilda is the bubbliest woman I know, and she is so serious about teaching people the way to eat for health. We’ll be getting specific with how to incorporate traditional superfoods into the pregnancy and postpartum diet.
  • Homebirth Dad Interview Panel
    This is a great resource for any partner preparing for the homebirth journey!

    Several of the fathers were new to homebirth, while several others have experienced a number of homebirths (one is a 6-time homebirth dad!).

    We spend over an hour discussing a number of aspects regarding the homebirth process, and what it's like to be the spouse in a situation such as this.
  • Breastfeeding Mini-Course
    This breastfeeding mini course was recorded and prepared for you by my very own lactation consultant, Meredith Wentzel. She’s an internationally board certified lactation consultant, so basically a nursing genius, and she helped me save my nursing relationship with my second daughter when we couldn’t figure out why on earth she wasn’t gaining weight. She’s known in my community for saving and stabilizing nursing relationships, and I don’t know what we’d do without her. Now, you get access to Meredith’s knowledge and skillset included in your program! This is valued at $425….but you’re getting access to it for free.
Happy Homebirth Academy is the premier childbirth education program for homebirth mothers desiring a mindful, empowering birthing experience.

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    One-Time Payment ($497)$497.00
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    Split pay (3x $170.00)3x $170.00

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